CSU Celebrates 13th Annual Alumni Awards Dinner

The Chicago State University community recently came together to acknowledge and honor notable alumni who havemade significant contributions to their community and as a resulthave enhanced the imageand reputation of CSU.

The 2013 Alumni Awards Dinner was held at the Oak Lawn Hilton on November 21. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the Honorable Balance M. Manning, who served on the bench in varying levels for over 30 years, ending her career as a federal judge appointed by former President Bill Clinton.

The 2014 CSU Alumni Award winners are:
Lifetime Achievement
Honorable Blanche M. Manning
1961 B.E.

Retired U.S. District Court Judge
Northern District of Illinois

Outstanding Achievement in Community Service
Dr. Gregory Jackson
1994 B.A., 1996 M.A., 1999 M.A.

Educator & Administrator

Outstanding Achievement in Health Sciences
Frances Ann Pukala, LPC, CADC
2005 B.A., 2010 M.S.

Community Counselor

Outstanding Business Achievement
Nathaniel Cash
1979 B.S.

VP Audit Risk/ Credit Review
Chase Bank

Outstanding CSU Faculty Member
Kelly Norman Ellis, Ph.D.

Department Chair/Associate Professor
Department of English, Foreign Languages and Literature
College of Arts & Sciences

Excellence in Education
Frank Horton
1964 B.S., 1971 M.S.

CPS Educator & Administrator

Outstanding Achievement in the Arts
Karla Monay Shaw
2006 B.A.

Writer & Producer

Outstanding Staff Member
Candy Bennett
1996 B.A., 2001 M.S.W.

Coordinator of Special Programs
Academic Support

Golden Alumna
Dr. Madie Cannamore
1966 B.S., 1977 M.S., 1982 M.A.
1983 Certificate Type75

Emeritus Educator



To view all the photos from the event, click HERE

CSU Celebrates 13th Annual Alumni Awards Dinner CSU Celebrates 13th Annual Alumni Awards Dinner
CSU Celebrates 13th Annual Alumni Awards Dinner CSU Celebrates 13th Annual Alumni Awards Dinner