Policies & Procedures
Maintenance Work Order
The Physical Facilities Planning & Management Department (PFPM) services the entire campus in various capacities. We provide the listed services: carpentry, custodial, driver helpers (movers), electrical, engineering, grounds, painting, and plumbing. In order to effectively accommodate your request, the following must be adhered to:
Policies and Procedures for Overtime Requests
Overtime is when a Worker(s) works over the allotted hours of their normal schedule. Each trade may have different hours, please check trade hours to ensure. Overtime may be needed when your project or service cannot be completed within a trades scheduled time on shift. In some instances, there may be a Tradesperson working on shift during your event or project, however they are attending to their scheduled duties and cannot be pulled away. Please contact us if you need assistance determining your need for overtime.
Submitting Overtime Requests
Overtime requests are taken via our work order system (see Policies and Procedures Maintenance Work Orders). For work orders requesting overtime please check "yes" box on the form. Incomplete work order forms may experience delayed service. Please ensure that the request is 1. The authorized "PFPM Maintenance Work Order Requestor PFPM Approved" form is completed and 2. Filled out in its entirety (to include times, dates, instructions and Site Contact). The Requestor is the Fiscal Officer or Designee and will be fiscally responsible on behalf of the Requestor’s department. A Site Contact is the person who will be on site the day of an event/ work who will initial the overtime card. For events, please list the Site Contact’s telephone number.
Overtime requests for events must be planned and submitted in the PFPM office, five (5) business days in advance of the date of your event in order to post notice to Workers, to schedule, to obtain materials and to ensure proper Staff coverage. In some instances overtime for Workers is voluntary. Overtime requests which are submitted late for events are subject to be rejected.
Overtime requests for non-events must be planned and submitted ten (10) business days in advance of the work start date. Overtime requests for non-event work submitted with a date of completion less than the required ten days will be adjusted to reflect the ten days.
Overtime Charges
Most trades require a minimum of four hours of overtime work. Overtime is typically charged to the Requestor at one time and a half the normal rate of pay for the trade’s position, this may increase depending on: 1. Number of hours in a day already worked, 2. How many hours will be worked at once and 3. Holiday or if it’s the individual’s scheduled day off. You may contact PFPM for the rate of pay.
Once a request has been made and is not canceled, the Requestor is responsible to pay for the overtime worked by the Worker. Please provide written notice of event cancellation two working days in advance. If cancellation of an event is not given and the worker shows to work, they must be paid the minimum time required by contract. If a project is canceled and materials have been purchased on the Requestor’s behalf, the Requestor Requestor’s department is responsible for material costs.
Overtime Number of Required Workers
PFPM may suggest the number of worker’s and the worker(s) position type for your event or project which may be based on 1. Safety, 2. Union rules 3. Number of people attending the event, 4. What the event entails (i.e. food, required temperature control, special electrical services, etc) , 5. Requested task, and/ or 6. Amount of time for the task. We strongly suggest Requestors adhere to the recommendation of PFPM to ensure successful service. (See the Recommended Staffing Chart). Unless supervision is requested for overtime, trade Supervisor’s initials on an overtime card indicate the worker’s time card matched the hours on the overtime card.
Overtime Approval
The Requestor is responsible for approving, by signature, the overtime card of each individual for time worked. To ensure timely payment to the workers, please include the proper account number and signature. Workers may present overtime cards to the Site Contact the day of the event; in this case the Site Contact should initial the card. The Requestor, after the event/work, should sign the card immediately. Workers may sign in to your event (at a location stated on the request) with the Site Contact if requested. This will help the know who they are approving.
Estimated # of People at Event | #of BSW w/o Food | #of BSW with Food | # Sub Foremen | # of Foremen |
0-50 | 1 | 1-2 | - | - |
51-100 | 1-2 | 2-3 | - | - |
101-200 | 3 | 3-4 | 1 | - |
201-400 | 4 | 4-5 | 1 | - |
401-800 | 5 | 5-6 | 1 | - |
EVENTS IN: Jones Convocation Center
Estimated # of People at Event | #of BSW w/o Food | #of BSW with Food | # Sub Foremen | # of Foremen |
0-100 | 1-2 | 2-3 | - | - |
101-251 | 2-3 | 3-4 | 1 | - |
250-500 | 3 | 3-4 | 1 | - |
501-1000 | 4 | 5-6 | 1 | - |
1001-3000 | 5 | 6-7 | 1 | - |
3001-6000 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 1 | 1 |
6000-above | 8 | 10 | 2 | 1 |
In accordance with Illinois Complied Statues 110 ILCS 660/5-140, Chicago State University’s Board of Trustees has made mutually agreed buildings of the University available for emergency purposes, upon the request of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), the State accredited emergency management agency with jurisdiction, or the American Red Cross, and cooperate in all matters with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, local emergency management agencies, State- certified, local public health departments, the American Red Cross, and federal agencies concerned with emergency preparedness and response.
Designated Campus Buildings
In the event of a request by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) to make building(s) available for emergency purposes, the Chicago State University (CSU), and the CSU Board of Trustees has designated the following buildings for such use:
The buildings are located on the campus of Chicago State University at 9501 South King Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60628. Both buildings are located on the University map found to the right and online here.
For CSU Campus Map Click Here.
Emergency Purposes
Emergency purposes shall be as defined by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency in cooperation with the Homeland Security Presidential Directive #5 and the State of Illinois Governor’s Executive order# 12, 2004. However events in the emergency category typically are the result of unforeseen actions (either natural, man-made and/or technological) which create a situation that has a substantial probability of disrupting normal operations. Examples include severe weather, hazardous material releases, active threat/shooter, etc. Also events in the disaster category typically are natural, man-made and/or technological with the potential to have a major impact on ability to sustain operations. Disasters likely result in the significant, long-term (days, weeks or months) disruption of operations. Examples include pandemic flu, earthquake, terrorist attack, mass casualty incident, etc.
Agency Requests
Requests for use of the designated buildings for purpose of emergencies may only be made by the agencies as listed in the State of Illinois mandate. Requests made by authorized agencies must be directed to the Chief of University Police in writing, (fax, email or letter signed by the authorized agency representative). The request must include the following:
The Chief of University Police will seek authorization from the President of the University. The Chief of Police will notify the Agency by phone immediately upon authorization and in writing within 72 hours of approval to confirm use of building by the Agency. If usage is confirmed, a meeting will be set up between the Agency and the CSU team to include Legal Counsel and any parties designated by the CSU President.
CSU will cooperate in all matters with authorized agencies concerned with emergency preparedness and response. Agencies should submit a copy of their emergency response and recovery procedures to the University.
Response refers to the mobilization of resources to meet the needs of the community in response to the nature of the emergency, immediately after the event. The requesting Agency must provide a list to the Chief of the University Police of resources which will be used to address the emergency. The list must be received by the University within seven (7) days of approval and include the name of the Agency’s responding personnel, financial contribution and physical resources to the University which will be used to respond to the event.
Recovery is the long term mobilization of support operations that work to return the campus community to its pre-event condition. The agency granted use of the building must submit their recovery plan which supports the type of event within seven (7) calendar days of the approval to have use of the building (s). The plan must include estimated duration of the recovery effort, the primary agency responsible and any other agencies assisting in the recovery effort.