Wisconsin Steel Works Site
Remediation and Cleanup Documents
The following documents are part of the permanent research collection at the Calumet Environmental Resource Center (CERC). Most of these documents are "room use only" titles of which we have multiple copies
which may be loaned out for short periods.
- Product Bail-Down Test Results and Analysis: Technical Memorandum for the Former Wisconsin
Steel Works Site, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller, Navistar International Transportation Corporation, December
21, 1999
- Underground Storage Tank Technical Memorandum, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller, Navistar International Transportation Corporation, June
- Arsenic Background Sampling Results and Analysis: Technical Memorandum for the Former
Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller, Navistar International Transportation Corporation, November,
- Preliminary Risk Assessment for the Former Wisconsin Steel Works, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller, Navistar International Transportation Corporation, October,
- Phase II Remedial Investigation Work Plan for the Former Wisconsin Steel Works, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller, Navistar International Transportation Corporation, August,
- Final Draft Preliminary Risk Assessment for the Former Wisconsin Steel Works, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller , Navistar International Transportation Corporation, March
- Final Draft Phase II Remedial Investigation Work Plan for the Former Wisconsin Steel
Works, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller , Navistar International Transportation Corporation, March
- Ecological Study and Impact Assessment at the Wisconsin Steel Works Site, US Fish and Wildlife Service, USACE, March 1994
- Wisconsin Steel Works Site: Potentially Responsible Party/Cost Allocation Report, Engineering Science, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, March 1994
- Wisconsin Steel Works Site Characterization Interim Report, US Army Corps of Engineers, Economic Development Administration, US Department of
Commerce, February 1994
- Slurry Wall Laboratory Tests - Wisconsin Steel Works Containment, Bowser Morner, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, December 1993
- Wisconsin Steel Works: Preliminary Structural Assessment, US Army Corps of Engineers, Economic Development Admin., US Department of Commerce,
November 1993
- Wisconsin Steel - USFWL Study Site, Ardl, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, October 1993
- Wisconsin Steel Works Site Characterization Interim Report, US Army Corps of Engineers, Economic Development Administration, US Department
of Commerce, August 1993
- Wisconsin Steel Works: Sediment and Fish Analysis, Ardl, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, August 1993
- Phase 1 Remedial Investigation Former Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Ardl, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, February 1993
- Chemical Data Acquisition Plan: Remedial Investigation for the Former Wisconsin Steel
Works Site, Ardl, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, July, 1992
- Health and Safety Plan: Remedial Investigation for Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Ardl, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, July 1992
- Draft Final Report for a Rapid Response and Hazardous Waste Removal at the Wisconsin
Steel Trust Property, OHM Remediation Services, US Army Corps of Engineers, May 1992
- Monitoring Well Installation Plan for the Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Ardl, Inc., US Army Corps of Engineers, February 1992
- Scope of Works Phase 1 Remedial Investigation Wisconsin Steel Works Site, US Army Corps of Engineers, January 1992
- Draft Work Plan for Wisconsin Steel Works Removal of Coke Oven Gas Recovery System
and Associated Waste, OHM Remediation Services, US Army Corps of Engineers, July 1991
- Potential Contaminant Pathways at the Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Mittlehauser Corp., Argonne National Laboratory, December 1990
- Report on Sampling and Analysis Program for Demolition Actives, Wisconsin Steel Works
Site, Wang Engineering Associates, Argonne National Laboratory, November 1990
- Task III: Review of Federal and State Files on Former Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Mittlehauser Corporation, Argonne National Laboratory, July 1990
- Review of Potential Cleanup Standards and Remediation Technologies, Wisconsin Steel
Works Site, Mittlehauser Corporation, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1990
- Task II: Review of Previous Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Former Wisconsin Steel
Works Site, Mittlehauser Corporation, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1990
- Task I: Preliminary Review of Aerial Photographs of Former Wisconsin Steel Works, Mittlehauser Corporation, Argonne National Laboratory, March 1990
- Preliminary Site History and Process Information: Wisconsin Steel Works, Wisconsin Steel Works, 1990
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, 1983-1986, Argonne National
Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, 1987-1989, Argonne National
Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, 1989-1994, Argonne National
Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, May-June 1990, Argonne
National Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, July-August 1990, Argonne
National Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, September-December 1990,
Argonne National Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Correspondence and Document Docket for Wisconsin Steel Works, January-August 1991,
Argonne National Laboratory, Economic Development Administration, US Department of Commerce
- Closure Plan for Wisconsin Steel Works, Dames and Moore, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 1988
- Closure Plan - Wisconsin Steel Works Site: Chain of Custody, Quality Control, Analytical
Methods and Laboratory Results, Volume II, Dames and Moore, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, March 1988
- Closure Plan for Wisconsin Steel Works Site, Dames and Moore, Wisconsin Steel Trust, April 1987
For more information about Wisconsin Steel Works Site resources contact Michael Siola at
(773) 995-2964 or via email at msiola@csu.edu.