Gabriel Gomez
Education |
Ph.D., Northwestern University |
MA, Northwestern University |
BFA, School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago |
Research Interest
His research interests include the cultural impact of the rise of data and LGBTQ education
and history.
Representative Presentations and Publications
- Knowledge Generation, Discovery, Sharing and Networking in 21st Century. Eds. Shabahat
Husain and P. M. Naushad Ali, “Chapter 1, Sustainable Development Goals: Addressing
Poverty, Communication, and Information in an Era of Media Convergence and Big Data,”
Shree Publishers & Distributors, Delhi, India, 2017.
- Progressive Community Action: Critical Theory and Social Justice in Library and Information
Science. Eds. Bharat Mehra and Kevin Rioux, “Chapter 2, Will Big Data’s Instrumentalist
View of Human Behavior Change Understandings of Information Behavior and Disrupt the
Empowerment of Users through Information Literacy?" Library Juice Press Sacramento,
CA, 2016.
- Building and Maintaining Collaborative Communities: Schools, University, and Community
Organizations. Eds. Judith J. Slater, Ruth Ravid, and R. Martin Reardon, "Chapter
12, The Legacy Project: A Permanent Outdoor LGBT History Exhibit Empowers a Community,"
Co-authored with Gerri Spinella, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, 2016.
- Global Learn 2015 proceedings. “Can Libraries Counteract the Behaviorist Impulse Latent
in Big Data?”
- International Conference on Information Literacy in the Knowledge Society, Pre-Conference
Volume. Ed. Moses M. Naga, “Big Data and Information Literacy: The Choice Between
an Information or Knowledge Society,” The Indian Council of Social Science Research
and North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India, 2014.
- Proud Heritage: People, Issues, and Documents of the LGBT Experience Vol. 1. Ed. Chuck
K. Stewart, “Illinois” Co-Author with Victor Salvo and Gerri Spinella, Santa Barbara,
CA: ABC-Clio, 2015.
- Journal of Museum Studies. Ed. Dr. Michael A. Mares, “The Legacy Project: Connecting
Museum Advocacy to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Role Models,” Co-Author
with Owen Keehnen, Victor Salvo and Gerri Spinella, Issue 38.2, 2013.
- Science and the Internet. Eds. Alexander Tokar, Michael Beurskens,, Susanne Keuneke,
Merja Mahrt, Isabella Peters, Cornelius Puschmann, Timo van Treeck and Katrin Weller,
Düsseldorf University Press. “Do Easily Copied Internet Media in the Library Lead
to Plagiarism?” 2013.
- Challenges and Changes in Librarianship, Eds. A. Amudhavalli and Jasmer Singh, Delhi:
B R Publishing Corporation. “Data Mining Technology for Skills & Knowledge in Library
Education at Chicago State University: Student Assessment in LiveText Software for
Tracking and Teaching Data Mining,” 2012.
- Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education, Editor, Ms Nidhi Agarwal, “An Introduction
to Library School Accreditation in North America and the American Library Association
Office of Accreditation,” 2011.
- Indian Statistical Institute Platinum Jubilee Conference Series, International Conference
on Web & Digital Libraries, ICSD, Eds. A.R.D. Prasad and Devika P. Madalli. “Data
Mining Technology in Library Education at Chicago StateUniversity: Student Assessment
in LiveText Software for Tracking and Teaching Data Mining” 2007.
Representative Grants and Funding:
- 2024 Soring CHICAGO STATE RESEARCH CUES AWARD, Chicago State University
- 2018 – 2020FULBRIGHT SPECIALIST AWARD, Initial Posting, April/May 2018 to the Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-National Institute of Science Communication
& Resources (NISCAIR), New Delhi, India.
- 2017 Spring FACULTY EXCELLENCE AWARD, Chicago State University.
- 2014 Spring Professional Advancement Increase (PAI) Award
- 2005FULBRIGHT LECTURER AWARD to Aligarh Muslim University in India through Library
and Information Science Award no. 5466. The Council for International Exchange of
Scholars (CIES).
The Legacy Project, Chicago
Hobbies and Interests
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