Faculty Resources

Reducing Barriers in an E-Learning Environment

“A collaborative effort”

Stack of BooksLearning accommodations are intended to provide equal access to education by removing barriers for students with documented needs.  Accommodations must be reasonable and they should not diminish the expectation of knowledge or skill. The internet provides endless resources for implementing accommodations in an online learning environment. Improving access to online education means, among other things, ensuring that your online course materials, teaching and learning activities, and assessments are accessible for all learners.  Please read below for useful information.


Resources & Tips

(adapted from Stephanie Lancaster, EdD, OTR/L):

  • Schedule exam at a different time for the student with accommodations
  • Provide multiple versions of the same test
  • Change the format of testing/assessment from multiple choice to:
  • Consider giving mini-assessments rather than a standard midterm/final exam. If that format is used, it may also be feasible to require each learner to identify a resource to justify their response for each item on the test (listing a page number in a textbook, etc.) - there is evidence that doing so facilitates learning and longer-term retention of information, reduces random guessing, and minimizes answer-sharing between classmates.
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Accessible science labs
  • Allow students to submit video or audio responses instead of written responses
  • Provide syllabus and learning materials in advance to allow for students to plan

Click to View - Using Zoom Accessibility Features

If you have additional concerns that were not addressed above, please use the following here to request 1-on-1 consultation from the Abilities Office.