Social Media Community Guidelines

Updated Dec. 21, 2023

Chicago State University (“University”) encourages interaction, discussion, comments, questions and feedback on its official social media channels, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and X. The University expects users to keep comments and posts relevant and respectful. Users should respect the views of others, even if they disagree.

The posting of confidential or proprietary information about the University, students, employees, or alumni is prohibited. Employees must adhere to applicable state and federal law, including copyright law and the Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as well as all applicable University policies, including computer usage policies and all applicable University privacy and confidentiality requirements.

Students and employees must avoid creating any impression that they are acting in an official capacity with the University or otherwise representing the University when using social media for private/personal matters and opinions.

Students and employees who violate State or federal laws or University policy are subject to disciplinary action including dismissal or termination of employment.

The University reserves the right to remove content from an official social media channel, including, but not limited to, content that the University deems threatening, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise illegal, or in violation of the University’s policies, procedures, guidelines, and/or agreements, or the social media platform’s community terms of service.

Protect personal information

For safety and security reasons, please refrain from posting personal contact information (home and cell phone numbers, mailing or home addresses, personal email addresses, etc.) for yourself on social media sites. Posting personal information pertaining to others without their consent may violate State or federal laws or University policy. Remember that everything you post on social media is public and can live on forever.

Respect intellectual property laws

It is critical that you adhere to laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned by others. Personal Web pages and social media accounts (of faculty, staff or students) may not use CSU logos, seals or other campus trademarks without written authorization from Chicago State University’s Marketing Department.

Chicago State University colleges, programs and/or departments are requested to contact the University’s Marketing Department for written approval before establishing a social media account.

In the spirit of sharing on social networks, it's best to link to others’ work and give them the proper credit, rather than to reproduce it.

No endorsements

Links to outside content or other websites by Chicago State University are not an endorsement of those organizations, their views or content. Comments posted on its social media channels do not represent the opinions of Chicago State University.