Admission into the nursing program has two phases; phase one is the admission into
the Pre-professional program and phase two is the admission into the professional
Admission to Chicago State University as a nursing major does not guarantee admission
into the professional phase of the nursing program. Admission into the professional
program is competitive and is based on the academic performance in the freshmen and
sophomore years. Only the top forty students are admitted into the professional program.
Requirements and Academic Criteria for Admission into the Pre-Professional Program
High school students or students who have taken courses in other institutions are
admitted to Chicago State University as a Pre-Nursing major. The level of academic
achievement required to be admitted to the University are the following:
- Students must obtain a minimum ACT composite score of 16 and a minimum grade point
average of 2.75.
- High school courses taken must include a minimum of:
- Four English units emphasizing written and oral communications and literature.
- Three Mathematics units including introduction through advanced algebra, geometry,
trigonometry or fundamentals of computer programming.
- Three social science units including a diversity component
- Three science units that include laboratory sciences.
- Two elective units of music, vocational education or art.
- 6th-semester transcript acceptable before graduation, GED required if non-high school
graduate or graduate of the non-accredited school.
- Official transcripts from home-schooling guilds or associations.
- Test Results
- Personal Statement
- Letter of Recommendation
To be admitted into the professional program, both freshmen and transfer students,
after completing all the prerequisite courses, are screened by the Admission, Progression,
Retention, and Graduation (APRG) Committee using established criteria before they
are admitted into the professional program. Applications are due April, 1st each year
for admission in the Fall semester and October 1, for Spring semester.
To be considered for admission into the professional phase of the nursing program,
the students must:
- Meet the general admission requirements of the University and be enrolled as a pre-nursing
- Complete the required University placement examinations or developmental courses in
English, mathematics, and reading. University placement examinations are waived for
second baccalaureate degree students.
- Attain a cumulative and science grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
Students must complete the TEAS examination and have their official scores sent to
the School of Nursing.
- ATI TEAS Test Results (results need to be within 1-year at the time of application)
- A personal essay of 400 words, typewritten on a separate sheet, describing the factors
that influenced your decision to enter the nursing profession and your professional
aspirations following completion of the program.
- Three recommendation forms in sealed envelopes are required.
- Complete the following pre-requisite courses with a grade of C or better.
- ENG 1270 and 1280 (Composition)
- PSYC 1100 and 2000 (Introduction and Life Span Developmental Psychology)
- BIOL 1080, 2020, 2021 and 2059 (Cell Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology I and II, Microbiology)
- CHEM 1050 (General and Organic Chemistry)
- MATH 1200, equivalent or higher level
- SOC 1250 or ANTH 1010
- HSC 2150 (Introduction to Health Professions)
- PHIL 1020 or 1030 (Mathematics/Critical Thinking)
- Nine credits of Humanities; six credit hours may be electives.
- PSYC 4190 or NURS 3329
- NURS/HSC 3321
- CMAT 2030 or 1130 – Speech
- Pre-requisite courses required for admission may be repeated only once when a grade
of D or F has been achieved.
- Natural science courses (BIOL 1080, 2020, 2021, 2059 and CHEM 1050) BIOL will only
be accepted if taken within the past five years.
- Nursing courses completed in other schools of nursing are not automatically transferable
to the nursing curriculum. The APRG Committee will determine course equivalency.
- The School of Nursing reserves the right to terminate students' enrollment in the
nursing program when their health, academic record, or nursing performance indicate
that it would be inadvisable and/or unsafe for them to continue in the preparation
for the practice of professional nursing. If at any time during the program a student
exhibits behavior which the faculty regards as unethical (disruptive, dishonest, disrespectful,
or involving alcohol or drug abuse), the student will be given a hearing by the Admission,
Progression, Retention, and Graduation Committee and a recommendation will be made
regarding retention or dismissal from the nursing program. All nursing majors must
follow the policies, procedures, and curriculum in the School of Nursing Student Handbook
on admission, progression, retention, and graduation and adhere to all university
policies including academic conduct (e.g., plagiarism).
- Students applying to the professional sequence component must complete or transfer
in the pre-professional courses. Credentials will be reviewed by the Admission, Progression,
Retention, and Graduation (APRG) Committee for formal acceptance into the professional
sequence. Applications and supporting documents from regular and transfer students
must be received by 1st of April every year to be considered for Fall admission into
the professional sequence of the program. Students are selected according to ranking
criteria. ATI TEAS Standardized exam is required for all nursing applicants. A fee
is associated with this exam.
- Students must have a semester GPA and a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or above. Pre-requisite
and co-requisite courses may be repeated only once when a grade of D or F has been
achieved or to improve a grade. Students are required to take standardized achievement
tests as determined by the School. Students must complete all nursing and co-requisite
courses with a grade of C or better.
The Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) will be able to:
- Utilize critical thinking skills when applying knowledge from the biophysical and
behavioral sciences, humanities and nursing, to the care of individuals and aggregates.
- Utilize evidence-based nursing interventions through the nursing process.
- Demonstrate leadership skills in collaboration with consumers and others in a variety
of settings to effect change that promotes the delivery of quality health care in
a diverse multicultural society.
- Evaluate research findings in nursing and other fields for their applicability to
the improvement of nursing practice.
- Assume responsibility for a professional practice that reflects the standards of professional
and regulatory bodies.
- Assume responsibility for personal and professional growth through lifelong learning.
- Utilize technology in managing information in meeting the healthcare needs of clients
in a variety of healthcare settings.