
Terms of Office - 3 years

Membership Dues - $10 per month or $120 per year.


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It shall be the duty of the President to open the session, call the members to order, to state and call for vote all questions, which are properly moved, and to announce the results of the vote.
  • Decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the assembly by any two members, and to inform the CSEC when necessary, or when referred to for the purpose, on a point of order or practice.
  •  shall be responsible for calling special meetings when requested by any member of the CSEC.
  •  authenticate, by signature when necessary, all acts, orders and proceedings of the CSEC, and in all things obeying its commands.
  • Responsible for the organization of all standing committees and appointment of committee chairs.
  • Transmit all formal and official recommendations on behalf of the CSEC to the intended recipients, with copies to the Human Resource Director, and Legal Counsel Advisor.
  • Represent the Civil Service Employees Council to the University Civil Services Employees and to the University Administration.
  • Abstain from voting except in the case of a tie.
  • Appoint candidates to serve on University committees.
  • Issue all notices of meetings, develop and publish an agenda prior to every regular CSEC meetings.
In the event of the absence of the President, will exercise all powers and prerogatives of the President.
The Secretary, in the event of the absences of the President and Vice President, shall assume the duties of the President.
  • Shall perform all duties relating to the office of the Secretary. The Secretary shall keep a roster of Civil Services Employees. At the termination of the tenure, all records shall be given to the incoming Secretary. The Secretary may request form human resources department to provide a complete, current, and official roster to the secretary, and provide updates on a monthly basis.
  • After the minutes are approved from the meetings. All minutes of meetings and proceedings of meetings shall be entered into record by the Secretary, and said book shall remain a permanent record of the CSEC.
  • Maintain the attendance records of the CSEC.
  • Maintain record of decease members for CSEC Memory Plaque Board
  • Order name plates for CSEC Memory Plaque Board
  • In consultation with the President, draft the agendas of regular or special meetings.
  • Maintain and update web page
  • The secretary should prepare, prior to each meeting, a memorandum of the order of business for the use of the presiding officer, showing everything known in advance that is to come before the meeting.
In the absences of the president, vice president and secretary, the assistant secretary shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the secretary. Assist the secretary with dutires as specified.
All monies and checks received by the Treasurer shall be deposited into a designated account. The Treasurer shall present to the CSEC, a monthly financial report of said account(s).
  • Responsible for recording and reporting all budget expenditures, and should be able to document account balances at any time.
  • Prepare and submit a proposed CSEC budget request each January for the following fiscal year upon review by the CSEC.
  • Monies can only be withdrawn from the account by the President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, with the approval of one of the other stated officers.
  • Inaccurate documentation or discrepancies should be reported to the University’s Legal Counsel.
The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for enforcing order and decorum among CSEC members.
  • CSEC members should conduct themselves in a professional manner during meeting proceedings.
  • If a member is out of order and disregards verbal warnings to cease unprofessional behavior i.e. use of profanity, disrespect of others, tardiness, and violation of CSU’s code of conduct, may receive a written warning. Two warnings will be grounds for dismissal by the Executive Committee, and move to vote by a two-thirds quorum from CSEC membership. The member being warned will be exempt from voting.
  • Works in an advisory capacity. The EAC is not vested with binding authority but serves to provide input and recommendations to the CSEC Administration.
  • Meets with the Board of Regents to present information and make recommendations regarding issues of importance to the employees