Internal Audit
Welcome to the Chicago State University Office of Internal Audit web site. We have designed the site specifically to assist the university community in familiarizing you with our services and to provide guidance for improving the university's control environment. The purpose of the site is to tell you who we are, what we do and how you can reach us.
We are an independent and objective resource of the university providing assurance and consulting services. Please see the "Types of Audits" link to view all of the types of audits we perform. As the Chief Internal Auditor, I report to the Board of Trustees Audit Committee and to the President. We are committed to assisting CSU management and staff in achieving their oversight, operating and management responsibilities.
The Office of Internal Audit utilizes a disciplined approach to improve the effectiveness of risk management, internal controls and compliance processes to ensure the:
In addition to our audit responsibilities, we are happy to answer questions regarding policies and procedures, laws and regulations, risks and internal controls. We look forward to hearing from you.
If you have any suggestions on the content of the web site or comments/concerns, please contact us directly at (773) 995-3937. We value your feedback and comments.