Online and Hybrid Course Approval Process

The Distance Education Committee reviews any course that will be taught as online or hybrid. Please note that in order to be approved the instructor must have successfully completed the Online Certification Training (OCT), or comparable training course. Certification training information can be found at the Office of Online Instruction  by emailing

The Approval Process

  1. Review your department's Distance Education Policy (see 'Distance Education Policies' on navigation bar).
  2. After gaining approval from your Department as specified in your policy, complete a Curriculum Form 1 and 2 (see below) and  Curriculum 3 and 4 for distance education programs if applicable (forms available at Provost Web page). Be sure your Chair has signed the appropriate form.
  3. Submit a Moodle Course Shell Request form to the Office of Online Instruction.  Click here for the request form.
  4. Prepare your course so it addresses the following:
    • At least two weekly modules  in addition to an 'Introduction/Orientation' module should be included,
    • The 'Introduction/Orientation' module should contain the syllabus, essential course resources, and communication details (e.g. how to contact instructor, office hours both virtual and in person),
    • The syllabus should be complete (span a full semester) and be specifically designed for an online/hybrid course,
    • Course activities should be developed to address best practices for online teaching (please reference the ION rubric here),
    • When you receive the mock course shell, choose the  'Kickstart' standard format and then revise with your own materials. This will assure your course shell includes the necessary design elements for online teaching and learning.
  1. Schedule a review meeting with the Office of Online Instruction (Rochelle Johnson, University Instructional Designer) when you have completed your modules, by using the appointment link on Moodle homepage.
  2. After review with OOI, contact the Chair of DEC to be put on the monthly agenda. Bring curriculum forms to the meeting or otherwise give to Chair. Forms should be officially filled out and with appropriate signatures:

Curriculum Form 1

Curriculum Form 2

  1. If approved, the DEC Chair will sign and forward curriculum forms to appropriate committee.
  2. Approved hybrid and online courses are added to the the DEC website after signing the curriculum forms.

*Below is another example Moodle Course Shell that is well designed for online delivery. 

Online Courses