All protocol submissions must be typed and completed on the approved forms found under the "Forms" link in the navigation strip on the right. All protocol submissions will be logged in and subject to initial review when all of the required information has been submitted. For more information regarding the submission process, please refer to the "Submission Requirements" link on the right. Three types of review can be requested depending on the type of study. These are: Exempt, Expedited, and Full. Criteria for each are detailed in the Submission Requirements webpage.
Please note that new protocols must include a completed and signed Application for Initial Review Form. The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for all aspects of the application process.
Approval of Protocol: A properly submitted protocol application will be designated "Approved" once the committee or Chair (or Chair’s designee) approves the protocol in writing under an assigned IRB protocol number. The standard approval period is one year or 365 days from the issue date of the IRB's approval letter. While the IRB may send a reminder notice to any authorized PI when an approved protocol is about to expire, the PI bears ultimate responsibility for ensuring that all research or research-related activity is conducted under a valid and approved protocol.
Conditional Approval: A properly submitted protocol application will receive the designation of "Conditional Approval" once the full committee, the Chair or Co-Chair, or their designee has completed an initial review of the protocol. This means that the protocol application was complete and logged in but still requires minor changes or modifications to be approved. The changes or modifications requested will be specified in writing and the PI will have sixty (60) days from the date of the notice of conditional approval to submit the necessary documentation required to receive approval. Minor changes may involve typographical errors in a consent document, revision to the consent document or the recruitment and consent process, clarification of statistical methods, or other research design related considerations. The proposed research study may not begin under these conditions. No data collection activities can occur when a protocol has only "conditional approval." Other aspects of the research process, however, may begin after consultation with the Chair of the IRB. These conditions may involve access to the research site and/or staff to gather additional information regarding research design, to grant "Letters of Access," or to further document or establish the conditions under which the research protocol may occur. If the changes or modifications are not submitted within the sixty (60) day timeframe, the proposal will be designated "Inactive." An inactive protocol may be rehabilitated without resubmitting an entire protocol within an additional thirty (30) days. Thereafter, the protocol will be administratively withdrawn and designated "Not Approved." This will require the resubmission of a new protocol application. At this point, the PI may be required to attend a full committee review of the protocol upon request of the IRB.
Inactive Protocol: The protocol (as submitted) was incomplete or in need of revision. The PI will have sixty (60) days to remedy the errors or omissions. If the changes or modifications are not submitted within the sixty (60) day timeframe, the proposal will be designated either "Not Approved/Inactive" for an additional thirty (30) days. An inactive protocol may be rehabilitated without resubmitting an entire protocol within an additional thirty (30) days. Thereafter, the protocol will be administratively withdrawn and designated "Not Approved." This will require the resubmission of a new protocol application. At this point, the PI may be required to attend a full committee review of the protocol upon request of the IRB.
Not Approved/Disapproval of Protocol: The protocol (as submitted) remains in need of significant revision or is incomplete. The proposed study may not begin until the IRB has granted authorization in writing. The IRB will notify the investigator that the protocol has not been approved or is being withdrawn. The PI is responsible for addressing the concerns raised in the notice before any additional action is taken by the IRB. All requests for modifications must be submitted in writing to the IRB. If the IRB does not receive an adequate response from the PI, the protocol will be designated "Inactive" for a period of sixty (60) days. If requests for modifications or omissions in the protocol application are not submitted within these sixty (60) days, the proposal will be designated "Inactive." An inactive protocol may be rehabilitated without resubmitting an entire protocol within an additional thirty (30) days. Thereafter, the protocol will be administratively withdrawn and designated "Not Approved." This will require the resubmission of a new protocol application. At this point, the PI may be required to attend a full committee review of the protocol upon request of the IRB. The proposed research study may not begin under these conditions. No data collection activities can occur when a protocol has been designated "Inactive" or "Not Approved." A protocol may be designated as "Not Approved" for any of the following reasons:
The IRB will notify the PI in writing of any significant deficiency including the reasons for designating the protocol "Not Approved" unless a more expedient manner of notification occurs allowing the PI to make appropriate changes within the timeframe designated above. The PI must submit in writing all revisions or additional information that the IRB requests before approval can be granted. There is no formal appeal process once the IRB submits its final written decision.
Chicago State University is obligated to ensure the proper oversight and reporting of incidents related to its IRB-approved nonexempt human research.
Principal Investigator’s responsibility to report an incident: If the PI is the first to note an adverse event in the operation of an approved study, it should be reported immediately to the IRB Chair using the CSU IRB’s Adverse Event (AE) Reporting Form.
IRB’s responsibility to Report Incidents in Violation: Under the requirement of regulation 45 CFR part 46 of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), CSU must report incidents to the OHRP that are in violation of protocol requirements of IRB-approved studies. These incidents include:
For studies that are HHS-supported and are also regulated by the FDA, additional reporting to FDA is required by FDA.
Additional information on what must be reported is detailed on the OHRP’s Compliance & Reporting webpage. For studies that are in violation, the OHRP recommendations of the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections will be followed. In addition, if an incident report to the OHRP does not reflect the final outcome of the incident, CSU will send the OHRP a follow-up report when all corrective actions related to an incident have been implemented.
OHRP Incident Reporting Requirements: Under 45 CFR part 46, these incidents include:
More information on what must be reported and how to report to OHRP is available on the OHRP’s Compliance & Reporting webpage. Incidents in studies that involve FDA regulations will require additional reporting to that agency.
If research has been suspended or terminated, the PI and the IRB will develop a Project Termination Plan of how to appropriately and safely transition research participants off the study. This Plan will follow the OHRP/SACHRP recommendations of the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections.
If the Incident Report to OHRP does not reflect the outcome of the incident, the PI and the IRB will collaborate on a OHRP Follow-up Report on the corrective actions implemented that serve the study subjects “best interests” as they relate to their health and well-being.