SZUXNOP Students excluded from for Non-Payment Drop
SZUDELI Extract students’ outstanding balance and send to onplanu.
SZUDEMO Extract students’ demographic data and send to bank mobile.
SZUTBKV Extract students’ Direct Deposit Book Vouchers and send to bank mobile.
SZRENRL Extract students enrolled in a specified term and send to bank mobile.
SZRLABF Student Lab Fees Report.
SZKGAMC Package to send out Admissions email communications for the graduate school applicants that are missing checklist items. Term entry is not required. Email will only be sent to those applicants for terms that have not started.
SZRCMNT Student Comment Report in XML Format
SZRWDDD Student Withdrawal Data Dump in XML format
SZRWDRL Student withdrawal from CSU report
SZUCAUC Utility to update the curriculum codes on the newly added Common App records
SZUDIRD Create BankMobile accounts and routes for eligible students per term.
SZURTRM Roll data on SFAESTS, SFAHMRS, SFAOVER, SFARSTS from one term to another
SZUSATT Utility to add, remove or terminate a student attribute from the Student Attribute panel on the SGASADD form
SZUSPRT Roll the athletic compliance data on SGASPRT for active students from one term to another.
SZUTMST Roll the time status rules on SFATMST from one term to another.
SZUTTIX Utility to assign registration group code to students
SZUWDMR Student Withdrawal. Mark student as rescinded.
SFKDROP Package contains the function which determines whether or not to drop the last class for a specified term during registration by viewing a gtvsdax rule for web registration and a control flag for VR.
BWCKREGS BSS page which will allow the institution to present a registration agreement page to student before they are allowed* to register. To continue to registration, the student must click the agree checkbox and press Submit.  If the student does not check the checkbox, the registration agreement page will redisplay.  The student may also click on the back button at the bottom of the page to be returned to the previous menu.
BZSKCMNT Allow faculty/advisors and those with COMMENT/COMMENTSTU role the ability to view, add, update and delete general student comments.
SFKDROP Package contains the function which determines whether or not to drop the last class for a specified term during registration by viewing a gtvsdax rule for web registration and a control flag for VR.
BWCKREGS BSS page which will allow the institution to present a registration agreement page to student before they are allowed * to register. To continue to registration, the student must click the agree checkbox and press Submit. If the student does not check the checkbox, the registration agreement page will redisplay. The student may also click on the back button at the bottom of the page to be returned to the previous menu.
BZSKCMNT Allow faculty/advisors and those with COMMENT/COMMENTSTU role the ability to view, add, update and delete general student comments. 
BZSKRPIN Allow faculty/advisors to view student PINs.