edTPA Logo



Making Our Candidates Safe

The Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), is an assessment system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure & support the excellence of all teachers. Teacher candidates submit a portfolio that is scored by highly trained educators.


First Step:

Create an edTPA Logoaccount

(Each university supervisor & candidate must create their own account)

Questions: please email Jacquelyn Benchik-Osborne.

Submission & Reporting Dates


Portfolio Submission* Receive Score Profile
March 6 March 27
March 20 April 10
April 3 May 8
April 17 May 22
May 1 June 26
June5 Aug 28
Aug 7 Aub 28

* Submit Portfolio by 11:59pm PST on the dates below


edTPA Submission and Reporting Dates

edTPA scores are reported on the timelines indicated below. Please note the following:

  • Candidates should submit their portfolio based on due dates established by their preparation program or  licensure requirement.
  • Candidates should allow adequate time prior to their planned submission date to upload and review their files in the Pearson system and to complete the submission process for scoring.
  • Candidates will receive their scores by 10:00 p.m. eastern time on the score report dates below. Educator Preparation Programs may access candidates' scores in ResultsAnalyzer® 24 hours after candidates receive scores.



A performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States in Pre-K to 12th grade classrooms. edTPA emphasizes, measures and supports the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom. Each handbook is specific to one of the 28 teaching fields. The 3 tasks edTPA focuses on are:

  • Planning
  • Instruction
  • Assessment

Teacher candidates must prepare a portfolio of materials during their student teaching clinical experience. edTPA requires aspiring teachers to demonstrate readiness to instruct lesson plans designed to support their students' strengths and needs in:

  • engaging ambitious learning
  • analyzing their learning
  • adjusting their instruction
  • becoming more effective

Teacher candidates submit a portfolio that is scored by highly trained educators. This builds on decades of:

  • teacher performance assessment development
  • research regarding teaching skills and practices that improve student learning.


CSU University supervisors play an integral role in the edTPA initiative. Information compiled on the CSU edTPA site was designed to assist faculty in the successful completion of candidates' licensure.  Resources presented here are not an exhaustive compilation.  We selected the most recent and relevant sources to highlight. 


One component for licensure is the edTPA portfolio. This assessment may include a short video recording of the candidate teaching a series of lessons in the classroom and examples of student work completed. In the course of recording, a child may appear on the video. No student’s name will appear on any recordings or student work samples. All submissions are kept confidential, and will not be made public in any way. 

Materials the candidate submits will be reviewed by the content-specific program at CSU. They may be used by test developers under secure conditions for edTPA program development and implementation. This includes scorer training, and support of continued program improvement activities such as future validity & reliability studies.

Parental/guardian consent must be attained to film students in the classroom.

PDF Download the recording permissions student release form.

Please see your department if recording equipment is needed.

If you are a Pre K–12 cooperating teacher who supervises a candidate, you will ensure that individual develops lesson plans consistent with your school’s standards and curricula.

Cooperating Teachers Role:

  1. Work with the candidate to identify the focus lessons and class
  2. Assist candidates with gathering information about the student backgrounds
  3. Guide understanding of curriculum organization in your classroom/school/district
  4. Assist the candidate in gathering consent forms & recording the video segments

