Transfer to Chicago State University and Finish Your Bachelor’s Degree Strong!

Looking for the place to finish your education? When you transfer to Chicago State University, you can earn a bachelor’s degree that pays off - in more ways than one.

Earn a bachelor’s degree that pays off

Earn a bachelor’s degree that pays off

* 2021 - 2022 Academic Year

** Additional Lifetime Earning Bachelor Degree Graduates (2018 Academic Year)



Our resources will help ensure your investment leads to a successful career. We have services tailored to your unique needs, like Transfer Cougar Days and dedicated admissions counselor for transfer students only. With almost half of our students holding credits from other institutions, you'll feel right at home at CSU.


How We Help Transfer Students Finish Strong

At Chicago State University, transfer students will find the resources and support they need to finish their education strong.

  • Smooth transfer credit paths
  • Reserved scholarships for transfer students
  • Affordable tuition
  • 5 colleges & approximately 56 degree programs
  • Diverse, tight-knit campus community in Chicago


Are You a City Colleges of Chicago Student?

Chicago State University (CSU) offers guaranteed admissions to City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) students who complete an Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Science (AS) degree. Students can enroll into more than 20 baccalaureate programs.

Students who complete an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) receive guaranteed admission to Chicago State’s Early Childhood and Supply Chain Management programs.